Oscillating systems with cointegrated phase processes

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We present cointegration analysis as a method to infer the network structure of a linearly phase coupled oscillating system. By defining a class of oscillating systems with interacting phases, we derive a data generating process where we can specify the coupling structure of a network that resembles biological processes. In particular we study a network of Winfree oscillators, for which we present a statistical analysis of various simulated networks, where we conclude on the coupling structure: the direction of feedback in the phase processes and proportional coupling strength between individual components of the system. We show that we can correctly classify the network structure for such a system by cointegration analysis, for various types of coupling, including uni-/bi-directional and all-to-all coupling. Finally, we analyze a set of EEG recordings and discuss the current applicability of cointegration analysis in the field of neuroscience.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Mathematical Biology
Issue number4
Pages (from-to)845–883
Number of pages39
Publication statusPublished - 2017

    Research areas

  • Cointegration, Coupled oscillators, EEG signals, Interacting dynamical system, Phase process, Synchronization, Winfree oscillator

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ID: 174490998